Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Your harmony's a melody..."

"Echo....something, something, something..."

Just watched HSM2 (High School Musical 2) twice in a row.

I swear it's beautiful.

BUT i have to agree, Troy, is kinda gay.

Gay, gay, gay.....

"When i hear my favourite song..."

Haha. I'm a bit damaged...


I swear, it's disturbing.

Like _________(type your own name here.)

OK, ok, ok......joking....

"She's a mountain lion, make sure you don't pet it..."


Anyway, school's out for all of us man, so i'm chilling out, possible....90% of the time.

"What time is it?!"

Well, at least, it's summer 24/7 in Singapore, so no difference.

But here's the holiday equation for me:

Let holidays be '(x)':

x = { [ relax time - friends + (sob, sob)] X the fact that i can't see someone.. }

Yeah, and i call the final answer to the equation:

Ans: [ ): ] X googolplex.

Well, don't ask me what googleplex means, coz you won't wanna know how many naughts there are in a googol.

"Look at me and what do you see? Intelligence beyond compare...."

Haha. The perfect timing for the perfect lyrics.

Oh, well. I have no idea where to start the next line.

But, looking at what i just said, i guess i already began the next line.


ADV: go check out for some singlish inspiration.

- This message is brought to you by: The Rapping Lamb Ate Cheese.-

Haha. Guess we're back to square one.

Well, the holidays have been fine so far, nothign much very interesting happening.


But sucks for now. No friends, no GIRLfriend, no damn nothing, really.

Just me, legion of 'imaginary friends'.

And mom, of course.


(I mean, it's not nice having someone breathing fire down your neck everyday...)

Well, at least the house hasn't burned down.


But, somehow, i seem to still be here, well.

"Everything's FABULOUS, that's my simple request..."

I wish.

The moment i pick up my guitar, i can already smell somethin burning.

That's how bad it gets.

*sniff, sniff*

Yeah, something's burning.

As usual.

CAUTION: When approaching mom, try not to get ass scorched, nice and crispy.


Ok, that doesn't really make sense with the lines.

Hey, but still, there are some lines that do make tons of sense, like this one! :

"I long to free a truly remarkable fish, my sweet prince."

and, and...

"Come to me, my sweet one, and be still, I'll grasp your tail and stroke each tender gill, my sweet prince."

Ok, maybe not that one. That one's disturbing.

Or maybe not.....(hehe.)

How would a fish ever breath if you're stroking it's bloody gill?!

Or at least i might not be able to...i think.

Ok, try this one:

"Please make a man of my fresh fish prince!"*ahem*eet.

It's sick.

The 'fresh fish' idea sounds like sashimi.

And,that sucks.

Ok, before i continue rambling on forever, yeah.

"what time is it?!"

It's time to end, here.

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