Sunday, November 16, 2008

The freaking hills aren't really alive.

Cause if they were it'll be quite scary.

Like some freaking Bukit Timah Hill chasing the crap out of you.

"You fed the monkey, remember?!" - shouts Bukit Timah.

Oh well.

But then again, i don't think people during Rodger and Hammerstein's time minded hills chasing the lights out of them.

If they did, why would Maria be singing about them?


Did you actually realise, that Maria has an orchestra stalking her?

Somehow, wherever she went, the minute she started singing, there was an orchestra backing her vocals.

So, indirectly, i happen to be part of the group of Freaking Stalkers.

Yes, Freaking Stalkers - Notated with a higher case F and S.

When she sand on the hill, there was The Hill Orchestra.

When she sang in the mansion, there was the Mansion Somewhere Random Orchestra.

When she was getting dressed, there was the Maria Is Changing Orchestra.


Guess it's not bad being in the Maria Is Changing Orchestra, eh?


Whoops! If it was the original Maria,i think i might have puked.

Oh well.

So much for balaclavas.

Ad: Anyone needing a DJ for a great rave? DJ Soundtolife, bouncing into earth. Winter, 08' (Hopefully).

Yes, in case you didn't know, it doesn't snow in Singapore.

It just freaking rains the s*** out of the sky.

Another ad: Anyone requesting an electric violinist for a rock band? Coming, early Winter, 08'.

Then you can sing: Stop Turn Take A Look Around At All The Lights And Sounds.



I can't wait for it to arrive.


Hello, sandra (who popped a flashing orange section on my startbar.)

Okay, i think this is where i conclude.


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