Friday, June 29, 2007

Irritation Override.

Oh well. Sorry, my avid (maybe) readers. My modem decided not to work yesterday.

So i screwed the thing up. Hope it'll listen to me now.

I've got violin later. Shoot.

Yesterday,i had violin class too.

And so was thursday. Monday too, i think.

Don't ask me why. I have no idea myself.

Anyway. What are you people doing out there anyway? Please, people...

Talk to me...

Oh yeah. Yesterday, was at m'cuz's house...

Fact file of the day:
-Keane, my other cuz, has something cramped up his ass.

That's why he's a pain up there.

He a bloody...never mind.

Really, i could have hit him with the cue stick yesterday.

Or what was it called again?

Nuts to that, i'll just call it a stick.

I'm really bored. My hands are a lil' tired.

And so is the rest of my body. Screw it.


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