Friday, June 29, 2007

Irritation Override.

Oh well. Sorry, my avid (maybe) readers. My modem decided not to work yesterday.

So i screwed the thing up. Hope it'll listen to me now.

I've got violin later. Shoot.

Yesterday,i had violin class too.

And so was thursday. Monday too, i think.

Don't ask me why. I have no idea myself.

Anyway. What are you people doing out there anyway? Please, people...

Talk to me...

Oh yeah. Yesterday, was at m'cuz's house...

Fact file of the day:
-Keane, my other cuz, has something cramped up his ass.

That's why he's a pain up there.

He a bloody...never mind.

Really, i could have hit him with the cue stick yesterday.

Or what was it called again?

Nuts to that, i'll just call it a stick.

I'm really bored. My hands are a lil' tired.

And so is the rest of my body. Screw it.


Thursday, June 28, 2007


F*** it. Bitch.

Screw their asses! Bloody mother f****** sister!

She's a bitch. That's what she is.

"Loser" spells all over her goddamn bloody mother f****** face.

Right now, i'd like to beat her eyes out with a stick.

Or tie her to a car and crash it. Wait, poor car.

Why does god create mother f****** on this planet?

Doesn't he realise that it's these people who make others die faster?

F*** that woman. One more time she insults another of my friends...

She's gonna find herself hung by the neck. And i mean it.

I don't care what happens to me after that. Some bitches are worth killing for.

I don't even know why i'm angry for?! Getting worked up over a whore?

She doesn't even fit 'whore' material. Maybe 'trashcan' or 'dustbin'.

F***. What a great way to spoil my day.

Now i'm getting f****** angry. I'm gonna tear her throat apart.

Wish i had brass knuckles...could do something worthwhile with them.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

When Macdonald's sells rice instead...

I'm back. Woot.

Trying to be sarcastic.

Boy, The trip was...ok. Not bloody exciting or what.

But i did sleep loads.

How is it possible that i'm still f****** tired?

Crap. I'm gonna get vulgar.

Whatever it is, shopping was the main thing we did, actually.

I was like the goddamn f****** trolley-man!

F*** it! I've never spent so much of my time in a ladies section of a mall!

It wasn't meant to be fun,or whatever. It was boring.


We went to this waterfall thing. Mom made me go under it.

It was not a massage. It was like this bloody back-breaker.

Couldn't really walk after that.

You have to take a raft to get under the waterfall.

The raftman was quite sadistic. He stopped directly under the waterfall for about a minute.

It was not nice. Trust me.

That was the day i think i drank the most water in my life.

Oh shoot. Sister coming in. Gotta go. I'll post again later!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Out to Lunch. Be back in 5 mins.

Out to The Philippines. Be back in 5 days.

As i said, hope there's a com. I'll blog as often as time permits.

And resources...too.

Hey have you people been playing Neopets lately?

I was really bored. Don't blame me.

Stupid cuz. He's the culprit.

Ok....i ran out of topics.

Screw it. Ending post here.

P.S - If there's no posts these few days, it doesn't mean my blog's dead.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Shiver me timbers'.

Hi, again. I'm stuck on POTC.

I've mentioned in the abbreviation before. So don't ask.

It's fun to play....i'm not playing At World's End.

It's the first game we're refering to. The Xbox version.

Woot. It's freaking fun.

I've also just realised that goat's milk tastes like crap.

Not that i've tasted crap before.

There's a funny aftertaste to every drink of goat's milk.

Anyway, the milk was courtesy of Hay Dairies Singapore.

Woot. I'm freaking high.

"Hey-ho, hey-ho, a pirates life for me..." - Me singing, by the way.

Love the bloody game.

Anyway. Guys...and gals out there. I wanna know what's going on with you people!

Tag my tagboard - leave your blog or whatever there...i'll deal with it.

Oh well...things are getting boring.

I'm leaving, anyway, for the philippines(?) on Friday. Hope there's a com there.

And....for those who are interested to know. I'm fully recovered. Woot.

I seem to be using 'woot' to often. Hmmm....

'Friggin' died off. I realised if you wanna swear, do a full swear.

Not try and cover it up.

So...F***. Censors still apply.

Ok then, gotta go.

"And a bottle o' rum....."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's over.

Just got back from my concert.

Decided to post at night...then i'll have more things to post.

All went well this night, maybe not for some.

My solo went great. Never better.

At least Sofia was cool. She was great too.

Try...and figure out who Sofia is.

If you're in the same school as me, you've seen her before.

Anyway, concert piano solo's sucketh to thine core.

Sounded like crap...only the Chopin Impromptu Whatever was good.

I have no idea how you spell that title. Chopin Fantasy Impromptu?

Never mind. It was played well.

All the violinists did well. Pianists...maybe.

They were really low in grade, most of the pianists...

Gosh! I'm still in my concert stuff!

And it's bloody hot in my room, and in my shirt.


Someone put the Air-con on please? I'm being polite you mothers!

But anyway. The finale sounded like a national day speech.

Haha, great laugh. Tried not to on stage, at least.

Beep Buzz....

Oh well. I'm being random.

Anyway, on the whole, everybody did well. Good job guys!...and gals.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Just got back from rehearsals...tired, but...yeah.

I'm more recovered actually. About 98% recovered i suppose.

Oh well, hope no one bugs me in this post.

Haven't eaten dinner really...but i'm not hungry.

Tomorrow's my concert. Hope i pull through.

Me and Sofia...we're gonna do fine.

If, she doesn't go out of tune...that is...

Coz stage policies say that if strings go out of tune, excuse is given. other words means, restart the piece from the beginning.

I'm not going to get that.

I've got the bloody Mika song 'Love Today' stuck in my head.

Shit. It's a bad thing.

Mom coming! Shoot!

Friday, June 15, 2007

MoTown Dawg.

I'm feeling slightly better now. Still bits of cough and stuff.

Yeah, but i'm better on the whole.

My com is taking lagging to a whole new dimension.

I can type like 1 line ahead of the com.

I've got loads of work to do....will post again when i've got time!

By the way, the bloody new friend test shit failed to load, so, never mind about it.

Thx peeps. If you're finding my posts getting boring, pls tell me...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The fall of 2Wire906 the Third.

Hey, hey, hey. Ladies! You need to stop.

Don't argue my sicknesses over the tagboard! Haha.

I'm slightly better, been taking antibiotics (not panadol).

Oh well. Wanted to post yesterday, but 2 things:

- Sick, couldn't really post.
- My modem, 2Wire906, crashed.

There seems to be a cybernetics revolution brooding in the motherboard...

Whatever it is, i rebooted the modem, hoping it would work.

Miracuously, it did.

So, yeah, i do have internet now, hope it'll last.

Anyway, things seem to have gotten better for me so far...

I had this squeaky lil' rash for a bit.

Looked like hammorage, but it also didn't look like one.

So got it checked (finally, at the doctor) had to take this freaky blood test.

Apparently, the phrase 'full blood charting' meant:

"Stick the bloody tube into that guy and suck up what's left of him!"

It was crazy.

Especially with the trainee nurse/doctor who had no idea how to find a vein.

She was like rammming the jab thing into bloody random areas.

So i had to show her where a vein was. Bloody hell, pain and embarrassing.

Never mind, felt a little faint after the test.

Was complaining about the stupidity of the staff.

Polyclinic, By the way.

The same trainee can't aim a plaster.

She plastered up my jab wound, completely missing the wound.

Stupidity personified.

Anyway, better end off post here, before 2Wire906 crashes again.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bullet from the shotgun that hit me in the nuts.

Too sick to really post. I'll do that tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Burning for Eternity.

I lost count of the number of days i was sick for.

I'm still sick, though, that's all i know.

I need antibiotics. Panadol is not a recovery drug.

Gosh. My eyes are watery.

I can't really see anything...maybe a lil' blur.

I'm like a block of ice, or so it feels, but my body heat is like a bloody microwave.

Should i do a long post? I'll try.

Oh well....looks like it's gonna rain...

Shoot. I really can't see now. So f****** hard to type.

Wait till i get better. F****** fever.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Temperature Rising

Tata Young really did make a point. My fever's not getting ny better.

I'm like a Firebat. Only those classic com freaks will get it.

*Cough. I don't even have a thermometer.

Not that i need one to tell if i'm sick or not.

Panadol is wearing off again. Damn.

And i just took it! Freaking piece of shit.

*Cough. Oh well...

I'm freezing. It's weird, how while your body is burning away, youre like a frozen duck.

Don't ask why i said duck. I just thought of it.

Ok. I'm bored now. Ending the post here.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hot Spots.


It's yesterday's tomorrow! And i'm still down with this bloody fever.

To imagine i still need to go for violin class later...

Gosh. *Cough.

I'm really tired to type. Somebody help me type?

End of Short Post.

I sizzle...

...with a fever.

Gosh it sucks.

It feels like a bathtub full of ice cubes. Strange, but true.

I learned a new semi-swearword: Friggin'.

Courtesy of Liane's blog. It's on my tagboard.

Anyway. It sounds like...some brand of cheap toothpaste.

I'm not gonna say where it's should get what i'm thinking.

*Sigh. Fevers are boring pieces of crap.

And bloody (friggin') panadol tastes like crap too.

Or should i say...Paracetamol?

Whatever it is, it (friggin') tastes like a bucket of shit.

The shit, i mean. Not tasting like the bucket.

Holy crap. My blanket's not working. I'm still bloody freezing...

Censored: My bloody balls are shrinking. God!

"I don't want to turn into a Jon Pong!" - God save me.

I'm still freezing like...f***. (frig'(?))

I need a bloody heater. Wonder if fire's hot enough.


The only thing that's keeping me warm is my lappy.(laptop)

Well.....that only applies to my fingers.

This definitely is A Fever I Can't Sweat Out, Panic!.

Ok. My fingers are screwing up.

Ths rom is so frigiin cld i cnt evn spel proply.

-Please wait.-

*Heating up hands...

Got it! I have an idea...

*Reaches for pair of socks.

*Puts socks over hands.

Yeah! This rocks!

Except...typing is a lil' problem...

I knew this china (whoops!) brand of socks is good.

Hey, but china! ~ That's a compliment.

Fact of the Day: China is good in producing cheap socks.

Be happy, you noodle eating...rice licking...cock...never mind.

This seems to be making good effect. The socks are REAL good.

Should be called gloves instead.

Gosh! It's 11:12 p.m? Holy (Frig')!

-Please wait-

*Warming legs on hot laptop fan radiators...


Smokes. Shoot. My senses tingle. No, i'm not Spiderman, stupid.

I'm geting goosebumps. The cold is killing me.

No, Jason...and Ben Tan. Not that sort of cold.

It's too cold to get cold.

Self-group humour: Excuse us.

Looking back at my title. I understand.

I'm not egoistic. Read the title, then read the first line of my post.

Ok. Socks/gloves are (friggin') getting cold now.


Ok. Ending post here...before Ivor kills me.

P.S - Happy spot? You mean like...Geylang? Joking, joking.

Can i say LOL?

Wait. i think i just did.

Friday, June 8, 2007


This post is gonna be real short. Nice for Ivor's pleasure of reading.

Well, it seems like things are getting better.

Thanks Clare...Liane...M'gal...Bro...

It's good to know people like you guys.

Ok Ivor. Short enough?

The Un-alive Soul. 667.

Over-optimistic: It's a new day! Time to start afresh!

Reality check: I'm still f***** up. Nothing's going to change.

Sorry Ivor. My posts aren't gonna get any better.

I post till it doesn't fit my title context.

Ok, so i'm like a bloody piece of f***, being so down...

"Happiness....." - What's that again? Dictionary, anyone?

That word seems familiar...but i really can't imagine it's feeling anymore.

I really wished that someone could tie me up right now, and whip my back...

...till all the flesh is ripped off.

Or use a scapel, and slowly skin off my flesh...

*Sigh...thing's are definitely not going to get better.

I can't even Do a single thing right.

By the way - 667 is to show how close i am to the devil(666).

I'm just next door.

Un-alive? Happiness was taken away from me...i'm like a bloody empty shell.

I know nothing about happiness now. I'm worse than an undead.

Gosh. Why do things stick around?

I'm too f***** up to post anymore.

It's my bloodstained penknife that keeps me alive...

It's been so long after the incident.

I'm not recovering.

Trying not to slash myself either. It's hard.

It's uncomfortable trying to resist.

I feel so bad now. I wanna kill myself.

My house is not tall enough, can't jump.

No rope here, can't hang either.

Nope, no water, can't drown.

Stab? Too painful.

Wait. I can try electricity...

Shit. No main socket. After all, i never wanted to die of an electric shock.

Still, cutting seems to be the best method so far.

But i've got promises to keep.

*Sigh. Clare...just once, please?

There's no other option...please?

*Sigh..dunno whether she reads my blog.

Oh shit. This is getting bad. Real bad.

I really need to slash. F*** it.

Oooh....shit, help someone?

Please? Anybody?

This is like a bloody hangover. It sucks like shit.

Oh GOD! F****** guy upstairs! Can you bloody hear me?

Or is your goddamn ears too stuck up with someone elses crap?

...ok, sorry. Should'nt have said all that. I'm getting rash.

"Hail Mary full of whatever..." - Praying, in case you didn't realise.

Clare...come on! Just once, i won't be bad...please?

Oh gosh.


God. F****** asshole.

F***. F***, f***, f***, f***.

Stab my heart and hope to die.

The worst day ever.

I just feel so f****** screwed.

F*** it. I'm always so f****** screwed.

You wanna know how i feel? Do you?!

I tell you, it's so f****** bad i can't even describe my f****** feelings.

F***. Why me?

Go get some other asshole to pick on!

Why those questions? Just why those f****** questions?!

My God! Shit! Someone, i need a blade.

A lil' rusty would be just fine.

God! Screw the bloody f****** world! Why put me here?

F*** you b****! F*** you!

Gosh! She's gonna drive me nuts!

"Why do you pretend to love me?" - Who do you think i am? Huh?!

I'm some random asshole, i see.

So this is how i should be.

Some bloody Care Bear, spreading the world with love...

Then when your time comes, someone picks you up, and dumps you.

Is that it? F*** it.

If that's what you think, then it's over ok?

You tell me. Have i just been wasting my time on you?

Or have you just been making me the fool?

You decide. Tell me you wait. Don't.

I'm too f****** screwed up to ever want to know.

I can't even decide whether i should continue like this.

It sucks, ok? Why don't you try?

All the while, been there, held you hand...been whatever you wanted...

And all you can tell me is why i pretended.

You wanna know why i pretended? Coz i love you.

Or so i used to.

I'm so bloody f****** confused now.

Should we continue? Or not?

It's up to you.

I wash my hands off this. I had enough.

Trying to save this from tearing apart is ripping me into pieces.

I can't say anything else. F*** it.

Me and my screwed up life. Try it.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Correction Tapes and Liquid Papers.

I need some of that. For my com.

My com doesn't allow me to edit my posts...have to wait till school reopens.

So bear with my f****** spelling errors for the time being.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

What the f*** is with my formalities.

Lets try again.

"Like it or not, you have to live with my shit. Capiche, jackass?"

That's more like it.

Playing GTA LCS - Go find out what that is if you're a game geek, geek.

Keep getting busted. F****** cops.

Really, i just wanna blast their f****** balls off with a hand grenade.

Footsteps again? Please mom, don't bother me now...

Can't you see i'm busy posting?

"What are you doing ah? Playing games?" - Whatever mom...

", i'm reading my chinese work...damn difficult man!..." - Haha.

Mission Complete.

Fact of the day: I am Pro.


Again....sorry...personal humour...

Got busted way...

Ok, enough of this crap.

Today was...tiring.

Swim training sucks. I had to swim a total of 8km in 1 and a half hours...

And now my f****** leg is so f***** up i can't even swear properly.

I can't even think properly...f***.

Can't wait for tomorrow though.

See m'gal again. Yeah!

Gotta go play my violin now. Shit.

End of post.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Rumours had it...

Here goes another post.

Today looks optimistic. The weather...bright and sunny.

M'gal hasn't sms-ed me in a long time.

Should go sms her.

- Please Wait -





- Thank you for waiting -

Whatever. Back to posting.

Nothing much happened this morning.

The only bad thing is my bloody keyboard keeps getting stuck.

Wait. Footsteps. Is that my mom?

Never mind.

I might be going over to my cuz's house later.

Bash the....ok no matter Liane.

I sound like a bounty hunter.

M'gal, don't get the wrong idea.

I'm just doing business... hunting business.

Hope my cuz doesn't read my blog.

Oh well...

I'm alone...m'gal still hasn't replied...

*Sigh. Life can never get anymore boring than this.

Should go play a game.

*Attempts to play tic-tac-toe with himself.


Wait. I lost too.

What am i doing? Gosh.

I seem to be slowly decomposing away...

T thing it's the effect of Long Term Starcraft.

It's a disease i heard, where you play too much stuff from Blizzard.

Now let me attempt to amuse myself.

*Reads a chinese book.

*Throws chinese book out of the window. Joking.

Hey! I actually got amused!

Ok, sorry people. Personal humour.

Damn, have to go swimming later.

My head is already full of chlorine. How much more do you want in there?

And to think....god.

Yesterday was fun.

I tried to spin 20 plastic 2 dollar notes in the washing machine.

It was real cool. Like Yusof being washed clean.

But the notes didn't come out shiny. Should add more soap powder next time.

By the way, the money came from my mom's wallet...and from mine.

I took the next half an hour drying them with a book. (Like in a fan action...)

Ok. That's about for my morning. Gonna go play Starcraft.

" On the first day of Christmas....Blizzard gave to me....a brand new SCV..."

That is the Starcraft version of the 12 Days of Christmas.

Signing off now. Out!

Gimme a blade....someone?

Shit. I feel so bad. I'm not gonna say why.

Why that question?

Please. If there's really something you want to tell me, just do.

Shit...f***. F*** it. I'm just an emo piece of crap.

Mom here.

I've got a 3mm stuck in my head.

Let's start the next post by addressing Liane again.

I'm not getting the wrong idea. I already have my own.

And i'm....hilarious? You've got a nice mum. Trust me, definitely better than mine.

Ok, time check, i've got 15 mins before swim.

Tonight's the bloody time trials.

Listening to Circle Circle Dot Dot. Bloody nice.

"Now kindly please remove your top..." - Don't you just love the song?

Hope i have time to post later. M'gal is....should go sms her.

Oh well...

Missing school. It's bloody boring at home.

I went to watch POTC3. It was nice.

To all movie geeks, POTC is Pirates of the Carribean.


Ok....i have about 8 minutes left of post time.

Shoot. I don't want to repeat the post in 2 minutes.

I almost died in violin class today.

Somebody should buy me a coffin...just in case.

I just tried something today.

A Cheese Sausage Prata. Homemade.

Still reminising...

F***. I just started a new craving.

Shit. Should i go make one?

oh wait. Concentrate on the post. Maybe you won't make so many f****** spelling errors.

Ok. 5 mins left.


Wait. What the hell is wrong with my bloody f****** b**** asshole clock?!

Shit. @@*^!(@*&^(_!&^^!$

Gotta go. I'm actually late by ten minutes.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Effect of Rabbit Stew and Eggs.

Ok. Let's start of by addressing Liane.

Are you reading my blog everyday?

Oh shit... Mom here. Post tomorrow.

Sorry m'gal. Cant go online. Mom.....

Love you so much.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

A dagger, anyone?

I ran out of titles.

I dunno what to blog either...


+High on the Holy Spirit+

Sorry, for everything. My blog is not dead yet.

I was at camp.

Laptops are not allowed inside camp. Not even buying coke.

Not even Canadian Pizza.

I was meant to post earlier, but mom was here.

She removed the battery from my PSP.

But, the camp....was really spiritual.

I felt different for a bit.

Life seems to have changed.

As the title states....

No, no no. 'Holy Spirit' is not the name of a drug.

It's God. Morons.

Or is it just me?

Oh well. I could post more...but mom's calling.